Project OutGoin’ Wrap-Up

Team 1 Mobile Apps
3 min readApr 26, 2021


As our team and project timeline is coming a close, it would be noteworthy to discuss the final points encapsulating much of the concepts and achievements that describe OutGoin’. First and foremost, the group has implemented more functions that are more indicative of a social media experience that the team initially sought to create. This includes simple actions like having a login screen and registration screen, and back-end functionalities as well. Secondly, we have read and made changes to the app based on the user research conducted that pointed out issues having to do more with the visual design of the app rather than the function. Then, the team has worked on a new video to promote the app and have a better representation of what OutGoin’ is and why it is relevant. Finally, we have taken further steps to legitimize OutGoin’ as an official app through means of distribution approval.

The OutGoin’ app has gone through a couple of phases to really function like a typical app would. However the most prominent change would have to be the services the back end provides. It should be noted a couple of services were in place before, but as of now OutGoin’ is able to fully show a user’s feed based on the events that are available and it has a search function that returns existing users. Other mechanics involved include being able to take in information from the event creating screen and display the said information across to other users. Moving briefly to information regarding screens, OutGoin’ has added a registration and login screen that users will see when they first download the app and open it subsequently after that.

The next changes we should highlight are related to visual elements and interface design. From the user testing research conducted much of the feedback commented had to do with colors, text, and the general flow a user would have when using the app. For colors specifically testers mentioned how our current blue is very formal and serious, in other words the colors made the app seem as if a school or job made the testers download OutGoin’. As a response we tried out other colors like a light orange that would be more inviting to a younger demographic without being too forceful. Afterwards, we tackled the issue of certain text that we used in the app that wasn’t as clear as it should’ve been. Instead we wanted to see other options that could be used which would not be too vague and actually helpful for first time users. Then we wanted to address some of the concerns of how users would get from screen to screen, especially screens that were more related to each other than others. For example, the screens where a user creates an event by filling out details about the event and choosing locations. Some testers felt the flow of the app would be better if such screens were placed together.

Now outside of the direct development of the app we have created a new video that is closer to reflect what we as people saw when creating the app. As opposed to the older video, this new one showcases a classic scenario where friends want to plan an event where they can each hang out with each other, but ultimately fail to execute their plans because normal group chats can get cluttered. We wanted to give viewers and potential users a reason as to why they should download our app. OutGoin’ is an app in which people can create events and not have to drown them out with the other interactions of daily life and that’s what the video shows.

Finally, the group has made bigger steps to show the app to the world since OutGoin’ has been submitted for review and greenlit to be downloadable in the Apple app store. With this obstacle overcome we are closer for the app being what it was intended for. Currently we are still working on a few things to make sure first time users have an easy experience with the app. At the same time we are hopeful and optimistic in the future of OutGoin’ and what further we can implement to add features that would be nice to have.



Team 1 Mobile Apps

We are a group of 5 talented individuals who will be building your next favorite app. We invite you on our journey!